Version 1.0 (Mar 25, 2020)

How this file can be used

Feel free to use this file in any way you want, you can edit a copy of this file as much as you want for non-commercial or commercial purposes. It’s not necessary, but if you want, you can ping me at @mikamatikainen on Twitter when using this file. Would be just nice to see how this evolves :-) Images: Copyright © Unsplash or Mika Matikainen.

A note about typefaces

This file is using platform-native typefaces for iOS & macOS, designed by Apple.
To make texts editable, you can download the typefaces at

Fonts used on the live site

Just for reference or if you’re interested, I list here the typefaces I’m using in on the live site at If you’d like to use them in your own project, I added links for you as well to make it easier to purchase the required license.

GTF Chapter

– used in the logo as a vector outline

– by Good Type Foundry (

Mackay Bold

– large headlines

– by Rene Gieder (

Harriet Text

– body copy

– by Okay Type (

Basis Grotesque Pro

– UI elements, some subtitles and some body copy

– by Colophon Foundry (


– some playful elements at some point, maybe

– by Zeh Fernando, available for free at Dafont (